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Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Éducation | Università di Corsica
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Track "Global Change"

Global Change


 G.Pergent (SPE, UCPP UMR CNRS 6134, France)

A.Orsini (SPE, UCPP UMR CNRS 6134, France)


Objectives: The objective of this track is to bring together actors with specific competencies (biology, geology, economics, geography) to consider the implementation of a research program on carbon footprint at the level of Mediterranean islands. Indeed, in the context of COP21 countries committed themselves to provide "A national inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases,...". However, because of their specific (important marine and terrestrial vegetation cover, relatively small population, low industrialization), the carbon footprint of these islands could be positive. This special feature, if proven, is likely to be a major argument in the context of future compensation mechanisms that will be set up like the REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) Furthermore theses mechanisms should now also include the Blue Carbon (Carbon fixed in the oceans).

This workshop will be organized around three half days:

  • The first half day will allow different participants to present their skills and experience
  • The second half day will aim to draw up an initial conceptual model and a strategy to implement;
  • During the third half day participants will meet in working groups to develop a draft  project (contributions, study sites, budget) and identify funding options.

Several topics will be more specifically addressed in order to define the most realistic possible strategy, including:

  • The carbon footprint in the Mediterranean islands
  • The temporal dynamics of carbon footprint and future scenario
  • The economy of the Blue Carbon and Ecosystem Services

The track "Global Change" is intended for scientists, decision makers and managers working in the marine, freshwater and land field. The participation of organizations involved in the management of island environment is strongly encouraged, as well as potential funders and / or international organizations interested in these issues.

Several keynote speakers will be invited to participate in this track in order to share their experience in this field (national and European programs, Global Marine and Polar Programme IUCN, Mediterranean Action Plan) and contribute to the development of the project both technical / scientific and financial.


Key-words: Mediterranean islands, Carbon footprint, Ecosystem Services, Carbon sinks


Scientific Responsibles:

G. Pergent/A. Orsini


Scientific Committee:

M.Ángel Mateo, CEAB / CSIC, Blanes, Spain

A.Jeudy de Grissac (IUCN Mediterranean, Malaga, Spain

A.Couté, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France

H.le Treut, IPSL, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

C.Mori, UCPP UMR CNRS 6134, France

P.Oberti, UCPP UMR CNRS 6240, France

C.Pergent-Martini, UCPP UMR CNRS 6134, France

Page mise à jour le 20/04/2016 par